I can't begin to tell you how glad we are to be home. SO glad to be here instead of a hotel and glad to be done with this process and the paperwork and the flights and the constant craziness!!!!!!
The plane ride was a nightmare. I knew it would be tough....At times I just wanted to cry.....Alex got up at 4:30 on the morning we were leaving and it went down hill form there! By the time we hit JFK....I was fried! Starbucks helped!!!!!!
We are back in the states and couldn't be happier! Alex seems to be doing well. It is just an eye opener to how much your house is not prepared for an active three year old. Every drawer and everything is a new discovery. But all in all Alex is very happy. The nap melt down has gone from 2 hours to about 5 minutes.....I am thankful and hope it continues. We have our little daily issues. Just is so different having a three year old into everything!
Adam gets to find out all about a little brother that is into everything he has! He is mostly excited.......He also is very good with him.....It all will just take time. They are both resting now.....time to relax and get used to this time zone!
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