We are all getting settled. Alex is getting comfortable at home and we are understanding how to deal with his temporary melt downs. So much about the whole transition is understanding. Over the last two years I have read extensively about the bonding and attachment issues and the issues you face once these little people come home. I can honestly say with all the theory....nothing prepares you for the 2-3 hours of screaming. Emotional support from family friends and a very supportive husband help get you through it!! In the short time we have been home.....Alex is making so much progress. He is such a happy and loving little guy. The experts tell us that their tantrums are the inability to process their emotion. We have gone from having lots of tantrum's to maybe 2 or 3 a day... Usually something small that sets him off.......More the actions of a three year old...Like turning the light switch off before he could.....just little things.
So we feel fortunate. You all ask....How is he eating sleeping and basically doing? He is doing great! He slept with me for the first 2 weeks and then we put him to sleep in his bed and I have a twin bed beside him! After he wakes up the first time in the night....usually around 12:00-2:00...we go upstairs and sleep. I usually don't have a cuddle bug until the morning hours.......and then we play musical beds.......
He eats almost anything and loves fruits and veggies.
Adam enjoys having this little guy around. Alex screams with delight at the sight of a school bus and screams ADAM!!!!!He has a football tackle approach to hugs when he sees something he likes.....Tanner and Dusty, Adam or Dada.
He is learning so many words.....Momma is now Mom and Pappa is now Papa or Dada...Tanner and Dusty, Doggies, Potty, Hello,Bye Bye, Hi, 1,2,3.......Tractor,Rocky the turtle. Hot,cold and Yes, No......He still speaks in Russian and sings all the time in Russian. We have a resource that can help us with what he is saying....that helps a bunch. He loves to give fish kisses and is very much a cuddle bug......He loves cars,tractors and anything with wheels.
He loves to ride in the car......Is learning to stay buckled......and avoids naps like the plague.....The comfort is anytime he gets in a car...he falls asleep and he is going down easier at night!
Right now he is playing in a water table we have set up on the back deck....He loves to play for hours in the water. I knew I had another water child when in Moscow he stepped in every puddle possible. Adam was the same way!
All in all, we are adjusting to this whole New normal and the struggles are starting to be easier.....so we are encouraged and hopeful that the good things continue.
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