Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Final Day in Moscow!!!!!

WHEW!!!!!We have had a whirlwind since I last posted! We have been on the run with a very active three year old! We flew from Novo to Moscow late Thursday night. Our plane was delayed so we had a 4 hour wait in the airport. We then boarded the plane where Alex had a complete melt down over the seat belt. After a good twenty minutes of screaming, crying and kicking and throwing.......he fell asleep. Then two seconds later the seat belt sign went off and the Russian ladies including Natasha came to reassure him. Which set us up for twenty more minutes of kicking,screaming and crying.On the landing I opted to not use the seat belt!!!!
We then had to fill out all our paperwork for the Embassy. It amazes me that the Translators do everything at their convience and don't consider the first flight with a three year old that has never flown........
But we have done some fun things in Moscow. We rode the subway and Scott figured out how to get us to Gorky park. It was fun for Adam to ride the roller coaster. Since all the rides are in Russsian and all the ticket information is as well. They could only figure out how to get tickets for that ride. Alex enjoyed the carmel corn!
Alex has no issues with the food, potty and most things. However Naps are tough! Thanks to Chris and Celeste they are managable!!!!!
We got Alex's passport and his visa from the American Embassy. We get his registration tonight and we can go home! We leave in the morning! Our flight leaves at 12:00 and goes through JFK. Then home!
We have two boys with colds! Adam thinks he got his from the plane......Alex got his form somewhere. Lots of kisses and hugs shares the love everywhere.........
We are excited to be heading home. 6 days in Moscow is a bit long!
Adam placed the camera in the seat pocket on the planbe and forgot to tell me when we landed. so our pictures are limited to cell phones!No luck with the lost and found. When you call to ask for someone who speaks English....they say Nyet and hang up! So we have had the ladies from the desk call...No luck! Bummer....it was a great camera!
I will post more pictures when I get a chance....We are headed for one last McD's for lunch! This child will think all we eat is Mc Donalds!!!!!!!We are going to enjoy one last sunny day.....most have been rainy.......


  1. oh!!
    I can imagine the plane to the US! It was VERY hard for us.
    I hope you remain lucky with the potty. Our issues only started after about 3 weeks home...
    Keep in touch!

  2. Celeste...THe plane ride was the longest and hardest trip we have ever done. I prayed for it to end!!!!!I also prayed that somehow we would make it through. There was a Russian lady in the row behind us that had been a Nanny. Thank God she was there! One major meltdown and she helped me through it! Even with help he wouldn't sleep. He was too wound. The tray tables were a night mare as well as he was all over the place!
    Glad to be home!
