My parents got to visit their 10th grandchild. It was fun to see how quickly Alex bonded with Mom and Dad. He enjoyed having them here. Dad didn't tolerate the altitude very well so he wasn't feeling well the whole time.
Alex is starting to call himself ALex instead of Albert. We talk about his native Russian name and his American name. He is doing very well with his language. He often says "I got it Mom!" I always ask if he understands and he says"Yes Mommy!" His S's are still ch to him..........A boo boo is a boo booch.......yes is yech.....
His little voice is very sweet.
He is doing better with sleep and melt downs are fewer and farther between. It is hard for him to transistion from one fun activity to the next. BUt most three year olds have that difficulty.
The hardest part is the going to sleep at night. Sometimes we are lucky and it can be a half hour.....other times it is hours....After a long day, it is hard.
Great pictures, Kathy!!