There is no way that anyone can prepare you for the first days of living life with a newly adopted little one from another country. Every child is so different and yet there are several things they all have in common. Life for them totally changes and as well as life for you. Their whole worlds are turned upside down and they are subjected to so many new things. I am amazed that they get adjusted in the short amount of time that they do.
We have been blessed. Alex is doing so well. He is a very happy guy and loves living life. Celeste had told me that there would be a huge change around 2 months. How true! The language barrier starts to disappear and Alex is so much more settled. He loves waking up and seeing all of us and all the animals. He loves to feed Dusty and Tanner (our dogs), Tobie the cat,Rocky the turtle. He is talking so much I can't begin to tell you all his words. He says "Good morning" and loves to have breakfast with Pop (starting to be Daddy)and Mom and Adam. He runs out and says "Bye Bye" to Scott every morning and when he sees the school bus, screams "ADAM!" at the top of his lungs.
It is fun having him with us......We are enjoying doing all the first things with him.......He kept saying..."Mommy more snow?"but he has enjoyed the snow and playing in it and eating it! He did get to play outside on the playground in the snow in Novosibirsk....but he had never went sledding!
It was also his first Trick or Treat......He would only do a UPS costume......No scary masks...or anything over his face. Once he got the whole costume bit...He had to sleep in his costume!!!!!
He said Trick or Treat was Fun! Adam enjoyed taking his little brother for the first time of Trick or Treating.
Lots of new and fun things to do..........
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