We are through the holidays and ready for birthdays! Adam just turned 11. We have a birthday for ALex tomorrow and mine follows right behind. We had a nice time visiting with family and friends over Christmas. Alex did well with all the newness of gifts and lots of family and travel!
Alex did well with the travel and the airplane! After our trip home from Russia, I was apprehensive to say the least. But as with most things, Alex surprised us again. He rolled "his" suitcase down the terminal and got on and off the escalators and buckled in without any assistance on the plane. He played for a little bit and then fell asleep. No crying and no melt downs.
He did well at Pa paw and Ma maw's house after the first late night arrival. What a treat to have he and Adam sleep together and not hear a peep out of either one! We are thankful for the easy transition. He loved the animals and all the family in Indiana.
We are looking forward to a great year in 2010. Lots of fun times to be shared as a family! We could not be more grateful!!!!!1
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