We are in Novosibirsk!! We had a crazy flight. After leaving Denver on Sunday morning 7:30am....we flew through Atlanta with a 4 hour lay over and then hit Moscow at 11:00am and then had a six hour layover and heade to Novo where we got delayed due to fog and had to land an hour away and then wait two hours to then fly back to Novo for our 11:00am arrival instead of 4:45am. Crazy! But we are here!
We received Albert-Alex's birth certificate today!
The orphanage let us know they would bring him to us! What an incredible blessing, not to have to drive 3 1/2 hours both directions in a very small car with six people and a child that has never traveled before! WHEW!!!!!
We are so excited! Adam is doing so well with this whole trip! He has bonded with our coordinator,Can't beleive that everyone smokes and is a bit hyper due to the excitement and nerves! But he is a trooper!!!!
We went to the grocery where we got some things to make Alex's transition a bit easier. We are ready to get him on UNcle Bob's birthday at 11:00 am.....Novosibirsk time!
Scott is sleeping and Adam just went to sleep so I am about to wrap this up! We are actually just hours from getting to enjoy this precious little boy that we have eagerly anticipated for years! What a day! Thanks again for all the prayers and support!!!!We will keep you posted and I hope to update pictures tomorrow, after Alex goes to sleep! (I'll keep you posted on how that works!)
SO EXCITED for you guys!! I teared up a little reading this, I know this has been such a long journey for you guys and now you have another amazing addition to your family! Congratulations on your new little boy. There really are no more words to express how excited and happy I am for you!!! We love you!!!!