Since our last post, many things have happened. We lost Papaw Clyde in September and it was a crazy fall. I was surprised at how difficult the whole process of losing your Dad can be. We spent some time in Indiana and Mom has spent some time with us in Colorado. We enjoyed her with the whole Gratrix family for Thanksgiving. We also had a special 8oth birthday party for Papa.
We had wonderful holidays here and in Indiana. It is always action packed with Adam's birthday as well as Christmas on the 25th!
We came back from Indiana on the 31st,needless to say we didn't have big New Years Eve plans! We were all in bed by 8:30pm....after leaving Indiana at 6:00am........
We then celebrated Alex's birthday on the 3rd! He understood the whole thing this year. Last year he cried because he had to share his birthday cake. This year he could even sing the song!!!
We had a fun night.
Then on the 7th we celebrated my birthday! We celebrated at The Cheesecake Factory and finished the evening with Red velvet Cheesecake....One piece was enough for all of us!!
We are ready for a wonderful 2011! Ready for all that it has to offer. Adam is already 5-4" and Alex is 41" tall. He was only 35" when he came home. He is catching up and wants to be bigger like his big brother and Daddy!!!!!