We had a nice Thanksgiving and Alex did well with meeting the Gratrix side of the family. He was a little shy when he got up from his nap and the kitchen was full of family. It didn't take long and he was chasing around with Adam and the cousins having a Nerf war. He kept coming in telling me "I got one!","I'll be right back."
It is amazing how much English he is speaking. Everyone can't believe it has been three months.
Adam and Alex are doing well. They are enjoying having each other around. Alex always says"Adam at school.""Dazzy at work." "S" is hard for him to say and gets translated to ch......He also has a hard time saying "X".....but all in all it is amazing. He always ask "Mommy,what are you doing?"or "Mommy, where are we going?"
We are having fun experiencing the first Christmas through his eyes. He loves the lights and the trees. They did celebrate Christmas in Russia....but it was celebrated the 7th of January. They have Grandfather Christmas and the Snow Maiden.
We will attempt a plane trip to Indiana for the holidays. We are hoping he won't get too stressed out. It will be fun to have him meet everyone form the Allen side of the family. Taylor is a year older and Bodie is a year younger....so it will be nice for him to have some little ones to play with.